How to Setup Auto Indexing on Google

Setup Auto Indexing on Google with Indexly. Get Your Website Crawled Immediately by Google, and appear in the search engines when you publish a new page or a post.

How to Setup Auto Indexing on Google
Photo by Rock'n Roll Monkey / Unsplash

Are you tired of waiting for Google Bots to come and crawl your website? Looking to get your website indexed by Google within 24-48 hrs? Well, you are in the right place. With Indexly, you can set up automated indexing in just minutes.

With Auto indexing, as soon as you publish a new web page on your site, Indexly will submit it for indexing as quickly as possible – resulting in your page getting indexed by Google usually within 24 hours. Why wait, let's get started.


To enable indexing through Indexly, you should first connect your website and the sitemap to the Google Search Console. You can follow this guide to get this done.

Setup your site on Google Search Console
Go to Google Search Console. · Click ‘Add a property’ under the search drop-down. · Verify ownership of your site and you are done.

Don't worry, we're waiting for you here ⏳

Ok great, let's move forward and see how to setup auto-indexing on Indexly

Step 1 - Create an account

Go ahead and sign up for an Indexly account. You can do so by browsing the signup page and clicking on Login with Google Search Console. Indexly will automatically sync all of your websites from Google Search Console to your account.

Step 2 - Enable your sites

As soon as you log in to your account, you should see a full list of all Domain Properties and URL Properties that you can access within your Google Search Console account. You will also notice the permissions your account has to these sites, As long as you have either Full User or Owner permission you can use the site with Indexly.

Toggle the Switch next to your site to enable it on Indexly. As you can see in the above screenshot, we have enabled the Indexly domain property. You will observe, Indexly syncs your sitemaps. This is to confirm all your sitemaps from the Google Search Console have been pulled in.

Step 3 - Authorize Indexly to index pages on Google

To enable indexing with Google, you need to grant permission to Indexly interact with your site on Google Search Console. This is achieved by adding an Indexly email address to your Google Search Console as Owner. Here's how to do it.

3a. Enable Google

In the Setup screen, under the Setup Search Engines section, click on the Google icon.

Setup Auto Indexing

3b. Allow Indexly to access your Search Console

Copy the email address and click on Add to Google Search Console to copy the email address in your Search Console. Please Note: You need to add this email address to your console as Owner.

Toggle the Switch next to your site to enable it on Indexly. As you can see in the above screenshot, we have enabled the Indexly domain property. You will observe, Indexly syncs your sitemaps. This is to confirm all your sitemaps from the Google Search Console have been pulled in.

Copy the Indexly Service Account to your Search Console
Why Owner Permissions? Owner is the only permission type that is allowed to submit pages for indexing for a domain. To confirm this access will allow Indexly to only request URLs to be indexed or check the status of a requested URL. So this is safe.

3c. Verify Access

By Clicking on Verify Setup, you will be able to confirm if you have added the Indexly email address with correct permissions to your Google Search Console. If added correctly, you should get a confirmation screen on your Indexly account.

Well that's it, you have now enabled your site to be indexed by Indexly.

Step 4 - You are now set for Auto Indexing

Every time you publish a new page on your site, your sitemap will get updated. Indexly automatically checks your sitemaps, finds new pages and submits them to Google Search Console, reducing human effort/errors and time to get indexed. Here's how the email notification looks like when a new webpage is discovered and submitted for indexing by Indexly.

Step 5 - You are done!

Great job! You've successfully enabled your sites(s) for auto-indexing. It typically takes up to 24 hours for the pages to be indexed. All of these steps usually take less than 5 minutes, so go ahead and get indexing 😃

Supercharge your SEO with Indexly

It usually takes a few weeks for a Google bot to crawl and index your website's pages. However, Indexly can simplify this process by automatically checking your sitemaps, finding new pages, and submitting them to Google Search Console.

This reduces human effort and errors and significantly improves indexing time. When your website's pages are indexed, they rank higher on search engines, ultimately boosting organic traffic.